Androgyny Image
Androgyny Image
Androgyny Image

The image at left is a still from the famous1967 Roger Patterson film from Bluff Creek, California. Roger Patterson, a long-time bigfoot and abominable snowman tracker, published a book in 1966 titled " Do Abominable Snowmen of America Really Exist?" . He and his friend Bob Gimlin were exploring recent bigfoot track sightings in the Mt. St. Helens area when they heard of tracks in Bluff Creek. Patterson shot sixteen seconds of footage of the creature as it crossed a creek and went into the woods. The creature is thought to be female because of what look like breasts, but the sex, as well as the authenticity of the film itself, have yet to be definitively verified.

Imagined renderings of bigfoot over the years have tended more or less toward an androgynous description. Many of these visions adopt the view that Bigfoot is a rampaging beast, out to destroy makind, or at least those people who have the misfortune of setting foot on his turf.

The creature fascinates on several levels. If it exists in the modern world, it is a living link to man's primordial past: his/her androgynous uprising from the earliest single cell creatures. As Stanley Kubrick's " 2001 A Space Odyssey" suggested the link between man's androgynous ape-like past and his genderless star-child future, Patterson's big foot brings this bit of science fiction closer to reality. To see big foot is to witness our past, present and future at once; in essence, a glimpse of our creator.


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Androgyny Image